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KS1 Curriculum

At West Hill, the Key Stage One team strive to ensure that the children become independent and curious learners who have a love of learning which will continue to grow as they progress through the school.

Learners will be introduced to more formal daily routines in which we teach core subjects alongside engaging topic and science learning. The children are provided with stimulating, welcoming and nurturing classroom environments in which they are encouraged to continue a love of learning through a broad curriculum.

KS1 Reading and Writing:

Utilising the resources from the Literacy Tree and Read Write Inc, in Year 1, the children continue to receive daily phonics teaching as one aspect of their overall reading and writing development. In Year 2, a whole class reading approach is introduced, with a focus on prosody and developing comprehension skills through talk. Our children learn to write through our engaging approach to English in which we immerse the children in quality texts and ensure writing is purposeful.

KS1 Maths:

Mathematics is taught explicitly using a Mastery approach making use of concrete apparatus to ensure children grasp concepts quickly and are able to reason and access their mathematical knowledge in a range of contexts.

KS1 Foundation Subjects:

Pupils can also expect to be involved in many exciting history, geography and science topics and also develop their skills in art, music, computing, P.E and French (from Year 2). We follow detailed schemes of work for all National Curriculum subjects and ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is followed.


Learning is also enhanced by class trips, such as the seaside, Polka theatre, the Science museum, as well as inviting drama companies in to provide workshops.

Curriculum Overviews:

YEAR 1 Curriculum Overview 24-25

YEAR 2 Curriculum Overview 24-25